Learn to Shoot

Cranial Sacral Therapy Workshop

Saturday, June 29 - 9:00 AM

Learn practical craniosacral therapy techniques in Ravenna, Ohio!

This is an opportunity to sample the Upledger CranioSacral Therapy course studied by more than 90,000 healthcare practitioners worldwide.

This 8-hour program is a mix of lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice designed to teach you the benefits of CST along with some basic techniques you can use for your own health or in your private practice.

In this class, you will develop and/or refine your light-touch palpation skills by learning how to palpate and evaluate the craniosacral rhythm, a subtle physiological movement affecting the entire body. You will also learn how to locate subtle restrictions in the connective tissue system and correct those restrictions using gentle myofascial techniques.

Explore the anatomy and physiology of the craniosacral system and its relationship to illness, pain and dysfunction
Develop and refine light-touch palpation skills
Learn basic, practical techniques that can be applied immediately
Learn and practice palpating the “listening stations”, key body locations where the craniosacral motion can best be evaluated
Learn and practice tissue release techniques for the pelvic and respiratory diaphragms and thoracic inlet
Learn about and practice the dural tube rock and dural tube glide, using intention, and stillpoint induction

COST:  $135

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED:   https://www.whitebarnhealingarts.org/cranial-sacral-therapy.html



5180 Hayes Road
Ravenna, OH 44266
Event Type
Health & Fitness
Lecture / Workshop


White Barn Healing Arts Center

Date / Time

Saturday, June 29, 2019
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Annette Bragg
(330) 281-1387
More Info: